Nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from soil measured in demonstration site in Ravenna up to 31/12/2023
Graphs show the cumulated fluxes of N2O from soil, in the various phases of the crop rotation in the Conventional and the Efficient Cropping Systems. Carbon dioxide fluxes are measured by mean of 8 automated chambers, 4 in the Conventional Cropping System (CCS), and 4 in the Efficient Cropping System (ECS). Values in the graphs are the cumulated value of the daily average of the measurements made in the CCS and ECS systems, respectively.
Data are under validation, so they are not to be considered as final.
CCS – Conventional Cropping System
Bare soil
Start: 11/12/2019End: 01/04/2019
Duration: 112 days
Cumulated flux: 2.58 ± 0.18 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.02 mg N2O m-2
Sowing: 02/04/2020Harvest: 10/09/2020
Duration: 161 days
Cumulated flux: 112.5 ± 10.42 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.70 mg N2O m-2
Yield: 8.8 t ha-1 s.s.
Total biomass: 21.6 t ha-1 s.s.
Fertilisation: 196.6 kg ha-1 N
Irrigation: 75 mm
Treatments: 2 insetticides, 2 herbicides
Crop residues: chopped
Bare soil
Start: 11/09/2020End: 19/10/2020
Duration: 38 days
Cumulated flux: 29.75 ± 1.45 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.88 mg N2O m-2
Durum wheat
Sowing: 20/10/2020Harvest: 24/06/2021
Duration: 247 days
Cumulated flux: 279.09 ± 167.71 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 1.13 mg N2O m-2
Yield: 6.8 t ha-1 s.s.
Total biomass: 16.2 t ha-1 s.s.
Fertilisation: 180.4 kg ha-1 N
Treatments: 1 fungicide, 1 herbicied
Crop residues: removed
Bare soil
Start: 25/06/2021End: 16/05/2022
Duration: 325 days
Cumulated flux: 112.46 ± 39.96 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.35 mg N2O m-2
Start: 17/05/2022End: 22/08/2022
Duration: 102 days
Cumulated flux: 77.77 ± 22.95 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.80 mg N2O m-2
Yield: 6.3 t ha-1 d.m.
Total biomass: 12.9 t ha-1 d.m.
Fertilisation: 140.1 kg ha-1 N, 100.2 kg ha-1 P2O5, 137.8 kg ha-1 K2O
Irrigation: 389 mm
Treatments: 1 insecticide, 3 herbicide, 10 fungicide
Residues: buried
Bare soil
Start: 28/08/2022End: 24/10/2022
Duration: 57 days
Cumulated flux: 22.70 ± 4.36 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 1.34 mg N2O m-2
Durum wheat
Start: 25/10/2022End: 26/06/2023
Duration: 244 days
Cumulated flux: 115.41 ± 13.0 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.61 mg N2O m-2
Yield: 4.35 t ha-1 s.s.
Fertilisation: 115.5 kg ha-1 N
Treatments: 1 fungicide, 1 insetticide, 1 herbicide
Crop residues: removed
Bare soil
Start: 27/06/2023End: 31/12/2023
Duration: 187 days
Cumulated flux: 72.14 ± 1.22 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.39 mg N2O m-2
ECS – Efficient Cropping System
Sowing: 11/12/2019Harvest: 19/06/2020
Duration 191 days
Cumulated flux: 2.74 ± 0.20 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.01 mg N2O m-2
Yield: 4.0 t ha-1 s.s.
Total biomass: 8.3 t ha-1 s.s.
Irrigation: 25 mm
Treatments: 1 herbicide
Crop residues: chopped
Bare soil
Start: 20/06/2020End: 19/10/2020
Duration: 121 days
Cumulated flux: 119.23 ± 6.95 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.98 mg N2O m-2
Durum wheat
Sowing: 20/10/2020Harvest: 24/06/2021
Duration: 247 days
Cumulated flux: 84.13 ± 9.37 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.34 mg N2O m-2
Yield: 7.4 t ha-1 s.s.
Total biomass: 16.4 t ha-1 s.s.
Fertilisation: 130.0 kg ha-1 N
Irrigation: 75 mm
Treatments: 1 fungicide
Crop residues: removed
Start: 25/06/2021End: 05/10/2021
Durataion: 102 days
Cumulated flux: 37.79 ± 11.99 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.38 mg N2O m-2
Total biomass: 0.4 t ha-1 d.m.
Bare soil
Start: 06/10/2021End: 16/05/2022
Durataion: 222 days
Cumulated flux: 53.32 ± 21.42 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.24 mg N2O m-2
Start: 17/05/2022End: 27/08/2022
Durataion: 102 days
Cumulated flux: 39.43 ± 7.26 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.41 mg N2O m-2
Yield: 5.7 t ha-1 d.m.
Total biomass: 11.2 t ha-1 d.m.
Fertilisation: 109.3 kg ha-1 N, 101.8 kg ha-1 P2O5, 135.6 kg ha-1 K2O
Irrigation: 311 mm
Treatments: 1 insecticide, 3 herbicide, 9 fungicide
Residues: buried
Bare soil
Start: 28/08/2022End: 24/10/2022
Durataion: 57 days
Cumulated flux: : 8.54 ± 1.47 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.50 mg N2O m-2
Durum wheat
Start: 25/10/2022End: 26/06/2023
Durataion: 244 days
Cumulated flux: 118.71 ± 5.28 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.63 mg N2O m-2
Yield: 4.35 t ha-1 s.s.
Fertilisation: 156 kg ha-1 N
Treatments: 1 fungicide, 1 herbicide
Crop residues: removed
Start: 27/06/2023End: 28/08/2023
Durataion: 62 days
Cumulated flux: 41.23 ± 11.60 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.67 mg N2O m-2
Bare soil
Start: 29/08/2023End: 31/12/2023
Durataion: 124 days
Cumulated flux: 43.02 ± 13.43 mg N2O m-2
Average daily flux: 0.34 mg N2O m-2