Media and publications


LIFE AGRESTIC project: first monitoring visit

After 5 years from Life Agrestic Project kick off, the first meeting to control the technical steps of the Project took place. At the...

LIFE AGRESTIC welcoms the project stakeholders

In occasion of the first stakeholder meeting, which took place on last 9th September at Cattolica del Sacro Cuore University in Piacenza, all LIFE...



The new agriculture rediscovers legumes

Dagli anni ’30 le superfici dedicate a queste colture sono calate del 95%. Ottime in rotazione, ma serve garantire una diversa redditività

Starting the LIFE AGRESTIC project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Promote the adoption by farmers of innovative and efficient cropping systems, able to mitigate the effects of climate change in a context of identification...

Press releases

Photo gallery


Quattro anni di Life Agrestic
Il prototipo e la rilevazione delle emissioni di gas serra
Media and publications - Ultima modifica: 2019-04-30T11:02:54+00:00 da Redazione Digital Farm