Life Agrestic

LIFE AGRESTIC project: first monitoring visit

After 5 years from Life Agrestic Project kick off, the first meeting to control the technical steps of the Project took place. At the presence of the monitor Chiara Spotorno, of the Neemo external monitoring group, action by action progress were highlighted. Two the main topics of the meeting: technical and accounting / financial aspects.

During the first part, the participants presented the technical aspects of the Project and discussed on them. They also described the progress of the ongoing actions. The actions taken into consideration were:

During the second part of the meeting financial and accounting aspects of the Project were taken into consideration. The monitor verified the cost-reporting and the expences already done for the Project.


LIFE AGRESTIC project: first monitoring visit - Ultima modifica: 2019-11-18T10:40:43+00:00 da